Sunday, August 24, 2008

Melissa and Matt's Wedding at the Lake August 23, 2008

A few shots from last night with more to come!
Some kids that can really dance! And play the Cowbell!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Adam and Katie Hobbs Congrats ! August 9, 2008

Snap Shots from Adam and Katie Hobbs Wedding
Square dance after the ceremony

Summer Time with Grouse Moore Catering

With a meticulous touch and an artisti
c eye, Buddy and his crew at Grouse Moor catering prepare more than just food, but a celebratory atmosphere which everyone attending the event can enjoy. Here are a few Images I made from his last event outside of blowing rock
If you are looking for quality catering in or around the Boone and Blowing Rock area, Buddy's website can be found at

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of the New Blogspot

I plan on updating this Blog regularly, which might encourage me to post current photography of mine and share information and images with clients, colleagues and other friends in the community. Please check in for updates and feel free to comment on this page as it progresses.